Dream Machine & Simulation

Where does your mind go when, you are sleeping? Sometimes you may dream.. Maybe of a place, someone or something.

What about when you don’t have a dream where is your mind then?

What if you could record your dreams or none dreams and see what happened?

There is several types of dreams.

Lucid Dreams

– What Are Lucid Dreams? Lucid dreams are when you know that you’re dreaming while you’re asleep. You’re aware that the events flashing through your brain aren’t really happening. But the dream feels vivid and real. You may even be able to control how the action unfolds, as if you’re directing a movie in your sleep.


–  an evil spirit formerly thought to oppress people during sleep 2 : a frightening dream that usually awakens the sleeper 3 : something (such as an experience, situation, or object) having the monstrous character of a nightmare or producing a feeling of anxiety or terror.

Recurring Dreams

– Experiencing recurring dreams may point at underlying issues regardless of the dream’s content. Adults who experience frequent recurring dreams tend to have worse psychological health than those who do not, and many experts theorize that these dreams may be a way to work through unmet needs or process trauma.


– Meaning of daydream in English. a series of pleasant thoughts about something you would prefer to be doing or something you would like to achieve in the future: in a daydream He never paid attention in class and seemed to be in a permanent daydream.

a person who often thinks about doing something else or being somewhere else, instead of paying attention to what is happening where they are now: I’m still a bit of a daydreamer. He was a daydreamer who grew sullen when faced with textbooks

False Awkening

– A false awakening is a vivid and convincing dream about awakening from sleep, while the dreamer in reality continues to sleep.

Epic Dream – Epic dreams are vivid and complex dreams. These dreams involve elaborate storylines and complex characters. Epic dreams are so detailed that one may confuse them with reality. They can be a fascinating experience for some, while they can also be a disturbing experience for others

Stages of Sleep

Before entering the REM sleep phase, the body goes through each of the stages of non-REM sleep.

Stage 1 non-REM sleep

A person in this stage is between being awake and asleep or is in a state of very light sleep.

Stage 2 non-REM sleep

A slightly deeper sleep characterizes this stage. Body temperature drops, and heart rate slows down. Most people spend around half their sleep cycle here.

Stage 3 non-REM sleep

Is a state of deep and restorative sleep known as slow-wave sleep or delta sleep. The muscles relax, the supply of blood to the muscles increases, and the body repairs and grows tissue.

REM sleep

People enter the REM sleep phase following the above stages. This is the stage of sleep during which most people dream, though this may also happen in non-REM sleep.

5 levels of Consciousness.

Primal– What is primal behavior? Primal instinct is behind our innate ability to react to new potentially dangerous situations in the interest of self-preservation. Although humans still possess most of the instincts of our primal ancestors, other instincts have adapted and evolved, which override the older reactions

Reactive– Focus on progress: Reactive thinkers are less concerned with what may happen and more focused on the work in front of them. Rather than spending time anticipating delays or obstacles, reactive thinkers keep making progress on projects or tasks.

Willful– having or showing a stubborn and determined intention to do as one wants, regardless of the consequences or effects.

Intellectual Intellectual means involving a person’s ability to think and to understand ideas and information. High levels of lead could damage the intellectual development of children. He has written seven thrillers, and clearly enjoys intellectual pursuits. Synonyms: mental, cognitive, cerebral More Synonyms of intellectual.

IntuitiveWe have all had times when we walk into a room at work, a party of friends, or our own family and we pick up on a weird tension, this would be an example of intuition at work. Another example may be conversationally intuiting or anticipating the direction or ending of someone’s story.

A dream seems as real as real life sometime and If something bad happens in a dream you wake up and not finish the dream. It is also hard to go back into that dream.

I am a dreamer and so are you.

These are some great movies we can recommend. Vanilla Sky, & Prometheus, and the Matrix

Is life one big simulation created by superior beings with technology so advance that it seems real?

Whats next the world is flat too?